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Jun 14, 2021

Apple hires automotive executive Ulrich Kranz to work on Apple Car.
Kranz was recently CEO and co-founder of EV startup Canoo, previously CTO of Faraday Future (an electric vehile startup), and spent 30 years at BMW (where he worked on BMW’s all-electric i3 hatchback and hybrid i8 sports car). He's now reporting to Apple VP of Special Projects Group Doug Field, who previously worked in senior positions at Tesla. This is another confirmation that Apple is actively working on "Project Titan", their electric autonomous vehicle, aka the Apple Car (iCar?). The project started in 2014 and has apparently gone through some turmoil over the years. Earlier this year it was reported that Apple invested $3.6B in Kia (owned by Hyundai) to build the Apple Car. Link
Photo credit: Canoo

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