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May 21, 2021

Snap unveiled a new version of Spectacles that include an AR display for the first time.
These are the 4th generation of Snapchat's Spectacles, but this time they aren't for sale. Yet. The new Spectacles have 2 displays that can superimpose AR effects. The frame features 2 front facing cameras (for detecting objects and surfaces), four built-in microphones, two stereo speakers, and a built-in touchpad. Instead of selling these, Snap is giving them to AR effects creators to encourage them to experiment with creating experiences for the new Spectacles. They aren't quite ready for mass consumption, the battery only lasts 30 minutes for now, and we think this ugly version can't be their final design 🤷‍♂️. They weigh 134 grams, twice the weight of the previous version, but far less than Microsoft’s Hololens AR headset.

The company, which calls itself a camera company, also announced that they bought WaveOptics, their key supplier for glasses hardware, for over $500 million.

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